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Emergency Notification Regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic breaks out in our community, please be aware of the following health and safety precautions:

  • Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds. If this is not practical, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

  • Cover your cough with a tissue or cough into your elbow.

  • Maintain at least a 6 foot distance from all individuals. If you are in a closer proximity to others than 6 feet, wear a facial covering. Wear gloves if you will be touching objects that others touched or if you will be touching objects that others will touch (eg: shopping cart, cash).

  • If you experience COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, or new loss of taste and smell, stay home and contact your healthcare provider for guidance.

  • If you test positive for COVID-19, stay home and contact your health care provider for guidance

  • If you were in contact with someone who experienced COVID-19 symptoms, or tested positive for COVID-19, contact your health care provider for guidance.

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